Full repo: https://github.com/jrfarrer/stats701_hw3/
Published file: https://jrfarrer.github.io/stats701_hw3/
# Set the seed for reproducibility
# Set the locale of the session so languages other than English can be used
invisible(Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "en_US.UTF-8"))
# Prevent printing in scientific notation
options(digits = 4, width = 220)
# Create a logger function
logger <- function(msg, level = "info", file = log_file) {
cat(paste0("[", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%OS"), "][", level, "] ", msg, "\n"), file = stdout())
# Set the project directory
base_dir <- ''
data_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "data/")
code_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "code/")
viz_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "viz/")
dir.create(data_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(code_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(viz_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
# To the font second font, run the following two lines of code and add name of user to vector
# system(paste0("cp -r ",viz_dir,"fonts/. ~/Library/Fonts/")) # instantaneous
# font_import() # takes approximately 5-10 min
users_v <- c("Jordan")
# Create a color palette
pal538 <- ggthemes_data$fivethirtyeight
# Create a theme to use throughout the analysis
theme_jrf <- function(base_size = 8, base_family = ifelse(Sys.info()[['user']] %in% users_v, "DecimaMonoPro", "Helvetica")) {
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#F0F0F0", colour = "#606063"),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#F0F0F0", colour = NA),
panel.border = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "#D7D7D8"),
panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = "#D7D7D8", size = 0.25),
panel.margin = unit(0.25, "lines"),
panel.margin.x = NULL,
panel.margin.y = NULL,
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_text(colour = "#A0A0A3"),
axis.text.x = element_text(vjust = 1, colour = '#3C3C3C',
family = ifelse(Sys.info()[['user']] %in% users_v,"DecimaMonoPro", "Helvetica")),
axis.text.y = element_text(hjust = 1, colour = '#3C3C3C',
family = ifelse(Sys.info()[['user']] %in% users_v,"DecimaMonoPro", "Helvetica")),
legend.background = element_blank(),
legend.key = element_blank(),
plot.title = element_text(face = 'bold', colour = '#3C3C3C', hjust = 0),
text = element_text(size = 9, family = ifelse(Sys.info()[['user']] %in% users_v,"DecimaMonoPro", "Helvetica")),
title = element_text(family = ifelse(Sys.info()[['user']] %in% users_v,"DecimaMonoPro", "Helvetica"))
We create 100 \(X\) and \(\epsilon\) variables using rnorm
X = rnorm(100)
eps = rnorm(100)
We select \(\beta_0 = 1\) \(\beta_1 = 2\), \(\beta_2 = -1.4\), \(\beta_3 = 0.6\).
beta0 = 1
beta1 = 2.5
beta2 = -3.4
beta3 = 0.9
Y = beta0 + beta1 * X + beta2 * X^2 + beta3 * X^3 + eps
We use regsubsets
with exhaustive search.
data_df = data.frame(y = Y, x = X)
fn_regsubsets_plots <- function(fit_obj, elbow = NULL) {
regsubsets_summary <- summary(fit_obj)
g <-
predictors = 1:length(regsubsets_summary$cp)
, cp = regsubsets_summary$cp
, bic = regsubsets_summary$bic
, adjr2 = regsubsets_summary$adjr2
) %>%
gather(metric, value, -predictors) %>%
mutate(metric = factor(metric, levels = c("cp","bic","adjr2"))) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = predictors, y = value, colour = metric)) +
facet_grid(metric ~ ., scale = "free_y", switch = "y",
labeller = ggplot2::labeller(metric = c(cp = "Cp", bic = "BIC", adjr2 = "Adjusted R^2"))) +
geom_line() + geom_point() +
geom_label(data = data_frame(
predictors = c(which.min(regsubsets_summary$cp), which.min(regsubsets_summary$bic),
, metric = factor(c("cp","bic","adjr2"), levels = c("cp","bic","adjr2"))
, value = c(min(regsubsets_summary$cp), min(regsubsets_summary$bic), max(regsubsets_summary$adjr2))
, label = paste0("Optimal\nd=", c(which.min(regsubsets_summary$cp), which.min(regsubsets_summary$bic),
, vjust = c(-.5, -.5, 1.25)
), aes(x = predictors, y = value, label = label, vjust = vjust), family = "DecimaMonoPro") +
theme_jrf() +
labs(title = paste0(stringr::str_to_title(regsubsets_summary$obj$method), " Search"),
x = "# of Predictors", y = NULL) +
scale_colour_manual(guide = FALSE, values = c(pal538['red'][[1]], pal538['green'][[1]], pal538['blue'][[1]]))
if (!is.null(elbow)) {
g <- g + geom_vline(xintercept = elbow, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_label(data = data_frame(x = elbow, y = 300, metric = factor(c("cp"), levels = c("cp","bic","adjr2")),
label = "Elbow with\n3 predictors"), aes(x=x,y=y,label=label), colour = "black", hjust = -.1,
family = "DecimaMonoPro")
fit1 = regsubsets(y ~ poly(x, 10, raw = TRUE), data = data_df, nvmax = 10, method = 'exhaustive')
fit1_summary = summary(fit1)
# Find the model size for best cp, BIC and adjr2
Cp = which.min(fit1_summary$cp)
, BIC = which.min(fit1_summary$bic)
, `Adj R^2` = which.max(fit1_summary$adjr2)
) %>%
pander(caption = "Exhaustive Search: Optimal Information Criterion")
Cp | BIC | Adj R^2 |
3 | 3 | 3 |
Based on the table and plots above for Exhaustive Search, the best model is
\[Y = \beta_0 + \beta_{1}X^1 + \beta_{2}X^2 + \beta_{3}X^3\]
fit2 = regsubsets(y ~ poly(x, 10, raw = TRUE), data = data_df, nvmax = 10, method = 'backward')
fit2_summary = summary(fit2)
# Find the model size for best cp, BIC and adjr2
Cp = which.min(fit2_summary$cp)
, BIC = which.min(fit2_summary$bic)
, `Adj R^2` = which.max(fit2_summary$adjr2)
) %>%
pander(caption = "Backwards Search: Optimal Information Criterion")
Cp | BIC | Adj R^2 |
3 | 3 | 3 |
Based on the table and plots above for Backwards Search, the best model is
\[Y = \beta_0 + \beta_{1}X^1 + \beta_{2}X^2 + \beta_{3}X^3\]
fit3 = regsubsets(y ~ poly(x, 10, raw = TRUE), data = data_df, nvmax = 10, method = 'forward')
fit3_summary = summary(fit3)
# Find the model size for best cp, BIC and adjr2
Cp = which.min(fit3_summary$cp)
, BIC = which.min(fit3_summary$bic)
, `Adj R^2` = which.max(fit3_summary$adjr2)
) %>%
pander(caption = "Forward Search: Optimal Information Criterion")
Cp | BIC | Adj R^2 |
3 | 3 | 3 |
Based on the table and plots above for Forwards Search, the best model is
\[Y = \beta_0 + \beta_{1}X^1 + \beta_{2}X^2 + \beta_{3}X^3\]
We see that for the \(\beta\)s chosen, backwards and forwards search produces the same optimal model.
xmat = model.matrix(y ~ poly(x, 10, raw = T), data = data_df)[, -1]
mod.lasso = cv.glmnet(xmat, Y, alpha = 1)
best.lambda = mod.lasso$lambda.min
The optimal value of \(\lambda\) is 0.0681.
fn_plot_cv_glmnet <- function(cv_glmnet, main) {
data <-
tidy(cv_glmnet) %>% as_tibble() %>%
mutate(log_lambda = log(lambda))
data2 <-
data %>%
filter(row_number() %% 4 == 0)
data3 <-
log_lambda = c(log(cv_glmnet$lambda.min), log(cv_glmnet$lambda.1se))
, name = c("Min", "1se")
ggplot() +
geom_errorbar(data = data, aes(x = log_lambda, ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high),
colour = pal538['dkgray'][[1]], alpha = 0.6) +
geom_point(data = data, aes(x = log_lambda, y = estimate), colour = pal538['red'][[1]]) +
geom_vline(xintercept = log(cv_glmnet$lambda.min), colour = pal538['dkgray'][[1]], alpha = 0.6) +
geom_vline(xintercept = log(cv_glmnet$lambda.1se), colour = pal538['dkgray'][[1]], alpha = 0.6) +
theme_jrf() +
labs(title = main, x = expression(log(lambda)), y = cv_glmnet$name) +
geom_text(data = data2, aes(x = log_lambda, y = Inf, label = nzero), vjust = 1, colour = '#3C3C3C',
family = ifelse(Sys.info()[['user']] %in% users_v,"DecimaMonoPro", "Helvetica"),
size = 2.25) +
geom_label(data = data3, aes(x = log_lambda, y = Inf, label = name), vjust = 5, colour = '#3C3C3C',
family = ifelse(Sys.info()[['user']] %in% users_v,"DecimaMonoPro", "Helvetica"))
fn_plot_cv_glmnet(mod.lasso, "Lasso Model on Simulated Data")
best.model <- glmnet(xmat, Y, alpha = 1)
coeffiecients <- predict(best.model, s = best.lambda, type = "coefficients")
coeffiecients_df <-
coeffiecient = names(coeffiecients[, 1])
, estimate = coeffiecients[, 1]
) %>%
mutate(estimate = ifelse(estimate == 0, NA, estimate)) %>%
mutate(coeffiecient = paste0("$\\beta_{", row_number() - 1, "}$"))
betas_above_3 <-
coeffiecients_df %>%
filter(!is.na(estimate) & row_number() > 4) %>%
select(coeffiecient) %>%
unlist() %>%
coeffiecients_df %>%
pander(missing = "")
coeffiecient | estimate |
\(\beta_{0}\) | 9.993e-01 |
\(\beta_{1}\) | 2.329e+00 |
\(\beta_{2}\) | -3.458e+00 |
\(\beta_{3}\) | 9.076e-01 |
\(\beta_{4}\) | -8.271e-04 |
\(\beta_{5}\) | 6.297e-06 |
\(\beta_{6}\) | |
\(\beta_{7}\) | 6.832e-05 |
\(\beta_{8}\) | |
\(\beta_{9}\) | 5.934e-06 |
\(\beta_{10}\) |
Lasso picks \(X_{4}\),\(X_{5}\),\(X_{7}\),\(X_{9}\) over \(X_3\).
We select \(\beta_7 = 7\) and regsubsets with Exhaustive Search.
beta7 = 7
Y2 = beta0 + beta7 * X^7 + eps
data_df2 <- data_frame(y = Y2, x = X)
fit7 = regsubsets(y ~ poly(x, 10, raw = TRUE), data = data_df2, nvmax = 10, method = 'exhaustive')
For a model with one predictor, the estimates is very close to the actual coefficients:
\[Y = 0.9428 + 7.0002X^7\]
Now using Lasso,
xmat2 = model.matrix(y ~ poly(x, 10, raw = T), data = data_df2)[, -1]
mod.lasso2 = cv.glmnet(xmat2, Y2, alpha = 1)
best.lambda2 = mod.lasso2$lambda.min
fn_plot_cv_glmnet(mod.lasso2, "Lasso Model on Simulated Data")
best.model2 = glmnet(xmat2, Y, alpha = 1)
coeffiecients2 = predict(best.model2, s = best.lambda2, type = "coefficients")
coeffiecients_df2 <-
coeffiecient = names(coeffiecients2[, 1])
, estimate = coeffiecients2[, 1]
) %>%
mutate(estimate = ifelse(estimate == 0, NA, estimate)) %>%
mutate(coeffiecient = paste0("$\\beta_{", row_number() - 1, "}$"))
betas_above_3 <- coeffiecients_df2 %>% filter(is.na(estimate) & row_number() > 3) %>% select(coeffiecient) %>% unlist() %>% stringr::str_extract("(\\d+)")
coeffiecients_df2 %>%
pander(missing = "")
coeffiecient | estimate |
\(\beta_{0}\) | -4.307 |
\(\beta_{1}\) | |
\(\beta_{2}\) | |
\(\beta_{3}\) | |
\(\beta_{4}\) | |
\(\beta_{5}\) | |
\(\beta_{6}\) | |
\(\beta_{7}\) | |
\(\beta_{8}\) | |
\(\beta_{9}\) | |
\(\beta_{10}\) |
Lasso only selects the intercept term and not \(X^7\) and the intercept is quite off.
The map below shows the mean of the pct.unemployed
variable in CrimeData.csv
. This metric does not make much sense because it the average of a percent of a subset of communities in the US. This map is only to demonstrate the functionality.
crime_data <- readr::read_csv(paste0(data_dir, "CrimeData.csv"), na = c("","?"))
df <-
data_frame(State = rownames(state.x77), abb = state.abb) %>%
crime_data %>%
group_by(state) %>%
summarise(mean_pct.unemployed = mean(pct.unemployed))
, by = c("abb" = "state")
highchart() %>%
hc_title(text = "Mean of Percentage of Unemployed") %>%
hc_subtitle(text = "Source: CrimeData.csv") %>%
hc_add_series_map(usgeojson, df, name = "Per Capita Income (1974)",
value = "mean_pct.unemployed", joinBy = c("woename", "State"),
dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE,
format = '{point.properties.postalcode}')) %>%
hc_colorAxis(min = min(df$Income)) %>%
hc_legend(valueDecimals = 0, valueSuffix = "%") %>%
hc_tooltip(valuePrefix = "%", valueDecimals = 1) %>%
hc_mapNavigation(enabled = TRUE) %>%
hc_credits(enabled = TRUE, text = "Inspired by http://jkunst.com/highcharter/highmaps.html",
href = "http://jkunst.com/highcharter/highmaps.html")
The map below shows the population by county from the CrimeData.csv
dataset. There are many communities in the dataset that are missing county codes and many counties are missing all the communities. Again, this map is only to demonstrate the functionality.
crime_data2 <-
crime_data %>%
filter(county != "?") %>%
group_by(state, county) %>%
summarise(population = sum(population)) %>%
mutate(code = paste0('us-',tolower(state),'-', stringr::str_pad(county, 3, side = "left", pad = "0"))) %>%
select(state, county, code, population)
n <- 16
dstops <- data.frame(q = 0:n/n, c = rev(substring(viridis(n + 1, option = "B"), 0, 7)))
dstops <- list_parse2(dstops)
highchart() %>%
hc_title(text = "Population by County") %>%
hc_subtitle(text = "Source: CrimeData.csv") %>%
hc_add_series_map(map = uscountygeojson, df = crime_data2,
value = "population", joinBy = c("code", "code"),
name = "Population", borderWidth = 0.1) %>%
hc_colorAxis(stops = dstops, min = min(crime_data2$population)) %>%
hc_legend(layout = "vertical", reversed = TRUE,
floating = TRUE, align = "right") %>%
hc_mapNavigation(enabled = TRUE, align = "right") %>%
hc_tooltip(valueDecimals = 0) %>%
hc_credits(enabled = TRUE, text = "Inspired by http://jkunst.com/highcharter/highmaps.html",
href = "http://jkunst.com/highcharter/highmaps.html")
var_names_out <- c("num.urban","other.percap","num.underpov","num.vacant.house","num.murders","num.rapes",
names_other_crimes <- c("murder.perpop", "rapes.perpop","robberies.perpop","assaults.perpop","nonviolentcrimes.perpop",
data_cafl <-
crime_data %>%
select(c(2,6:103,121,122,123, 130:147)) %>%
select(-one_of(c(var_names_out, names_other_crimes))) %>%
filter(state %in% c("FL","CA")) %>%
From the CrimeData.csv
dataset we extract the data for only the states CA and FL. In addition, we select only variables from following the process used in Lecture 6 and remove missing values. As a result we have 368 observations and 99 variables.
We perform 10-fold cross-validation for glmnet with \(\alpha\) = 0.99.
x_matrix_flca <- model.matrix(violentcrimes.perpop ~ ., data = data_cafl)[, -1]
y_violent_crimes <-
data_cafl %>%
select(violentcrimes.perpop) %>%
fit_cafl_1 <- cv.glmnet(x_matrix_flca, y_violent_crimes, alpha = .99, nfolds = 10)
fn_plot_cv_glmnet(fit_cafl_1, expression("FL & CA Crime Data: ElasticNet "~ alpha ~"= 0.99"))
We see that the mean cross-validated error is minimized when \(\lambda = e^{4.2907} = 73.0182\) and there are 5 non-zero estimates of \(\beta_i\). We will use this with glmnet to create new fit.
fit_cafl_2 <- glmnet(x_matrix_flca, y_violent_crimes, alpha = .99, lambda = fit_cafl_1$lambda.min)
relevent_vars <-
tidy(fit_cafl_2) %>%
filter(estimate != 0 & term != "(Intercept)")
regsubsets_cafl1 <-
regsubsets(as.formula(paste0("violentcrimes.perpop ~ ", paste0(relevent_vars$term, collapse = " + "))),
nvmax = 15, method = "exhaustive", data = data_cafl)
summary(regsubsets_cafl1)$outmat %>%
as_tibble() %>%
pander(missing = "", split.table = Inf)
race.pctblack | pct.kids2parents | pct.kids.nvrmarried | pct.house.vacant | num.in.shelters |
* | ||||
* | * | |||
* | * | * | ||
* | * | * | * | |
* | * | * | * | * |
The table above shows which of the five varaibles would be present in the optimal model at each # of predictors. For example, note that pct.house.vacant
would not be present if only 4 variables were used. We create a plot to show the optimal # of predictors based on Cp, BIC, and Adjusted \(R^2\).
The optimal model based ont the BIC criteria uses 4 predictors, but based on Cp the optimal model would include 5 predictors. We will only create a model if the \(p\)-values are less than 0.05. We’ll create this model and note that all variables are significant at the 0.05 level. However, the variable pct.house.vacant
is just barely significant.
fit_cafl_3 <- lm(as.formula(paste0("violentcrimes.perpop ~ ",
paste0(summary(regsubsets_cafl1)$obj$xnames[-1], collapse = " + "))), data = data_cafl)
tidy(fit_cafl_3) %>% arrange(p.value) %>% pander()
term | estimate | std.error | statistic | p.value |
(Intercept) | 1991 | 261.6 | 7.609 | 2.411e-13 |
pct.kids2parents | -22.52 | 3.312 | -6.8 | 4.331e-11 |
pct.kids.nvrmarried | 81.55 | 12.68 | 6.43 | 4.023e-10 |
race.pctblack | 13.5 | 2.718 | 4.967 | 1.05e-06 |
num.in.shelters | 0.1587 | 0.05364 | 2.958 | 0.003299 |
pct.house.vacant | 24.77 | 10.97 | 2.259 | 0.02449 |
We remove pct.house.vacant
, fit another linear model, and see all the variables are signifcant at a 0.01 confidence level.
cafl_terms <-
tidy(fit_cafl_3) %>%
filter(term != "(Intercept)") %>%
arrange(p.value) %>%
select(term) %>%
fit_cafl_4 <- lm(as.formula(paste0("violentcrimes.perpop ~ ", paste0(cafl_terms[-5], collapse = " + "))), data = data_cafl)
tidy_cafl_1 <- tidy(fit_cafl_4) %>% arrange(p.value)
tidy_cafl_1 %>% pander()
term | estimate | std.error | statistic | p.value |
(Intercept) | 2002 | 263.1 | 7.611 | 2.366e-13 |
pct.kids.nvrmarried | 89.63 | 12.24 | 7.325 | 1.555e-12 |
pct.kids2parents | -22.5 | 3.33 | -6.756 | 5.647e-11 |
race.pctblack | 14.27 | 2.711 | 5.265 | 2.41e-07 |
num.in.shelters | 0.1698 | 0.05371 | 3.162 | 0.001702 |
Though the requirements of the problem state to include variables with \(p\)-values less than 0.05, in order to create a parsimonious linear model we will exclude the variable pct.house.vacant
as this does not provide much more explanatory power. The BIC criteria, which has a much harsher complexity penalty than Cp, indicates 4 variables is optimal and we will follow this heuristic. Moreover, we believe in the maxim that simpler models are always better.
The final model is
\[violentcrimes.perpop = 2002.3118 + 89.633pct.kids.nvrmarried + -22.5007pct.kids2parents + 14.2725race.pctblack + \\ 0.1698num.in.shelters\]
Holding all other variables constant in a community,
In order to cross-validate lambdas and alphas, we use the caret package which generalizes model training and testing. Two important inputs to the train
function are a trainControl
and tuneGrid
. In the trainControl
we specify 10-fold cross-validation, repeated 5 times. As both lambdas and alphas are statistics it is important to use repeated cross-validation in this scenario. In the tuneGrid
we specify which alphas and lambdas to attempt. For alphas, we use a sequence between 0 and 1 and for lambdas we use the original lambdas found in part (A).
We then plot the alpha and lambda combinations against the mean-squared error (MSE) and highlight the combination that minimizes the MSE.
glmnetTrControl <-
method = "repeatedCV"
, number = 10
, repeats = 5
glmnetGrid <-
alpha = seq(0, 1, 0.1)
, lambda = fit_cafl_1$lambda
model <-
violentcrimes.perpop ~ .
, data = data_cafl
, method = 'glmnet'
, tuneGrid = glmnetGrid
, trControl = glmnetTrControl
model_results <-
model$results %>%
as_tibble() %>%
log_lambda = log(lambda)
, alpha = round(alpha, 1)
, MSE = RMSE^2
minimized <- model_results %>% arrange(RMSE) %>% filter(row_number() == 1)
data_cafl2 <-
data_cafl %>%
select(one_of(c("violentcrimes.perpop"), predictors(model)))
x_matrix_flca2 <- model.matrix(violentcrimes.perpop ~ ., data = data_cafl2)[, -1]
glmnet_fit1 <- glmnet(x_matrix_flca2, y_violent_crimes, alpha = model$bestTune$alpha, lambda = model$bestTune$lambda)
tidy_cafl_2 <- tidy(glmnet_fit1)
ggplot() +
theme_jrf() +
geom_line(data = model_results, aes(x = log_lambda, y = MSE,
group = as.factor(alpha), colour = as.factor(alpha))) +
geom_point(aes(x = minimized$log_lambda, y = minimized$MSE), colour = pal538['dkgray'][[1]]) +
labs(title = "Cross Validation of Alpha and Lambda", x = expression(log(lambda)),
y = "Mean-Squared Error (Repeated Cross-Validation)") +
scale_colour_discrete(guide = guide_legend(title = expression(alpha))) +
geom_segment(aes(x = minimized$log_lambda, xend = minimized$log_lambda, y = 500^2, yend = 390^2),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.03, "npc")), colour = pal538['dkgray'][[1]], alpha = 0.5) +
geom_label(data = data_frame(x = minimized$log_lambda, y = 500^2, label = "Alpha and Lambda\nthat Minimize MSE"),
aes(x = x, y = y, label = label), colour = pal538['dkgray'][[1]], family = "DecimaMonoPro")
This model uses 15 predictors: race.pctblack, pct.farmself.inc, pct.inv.inc, asian.percap, male.pct.divorce, pct.kids2parents, pct.workmom, num.kids.nvrmarried, pct.kids.nvrmarried, pct.english.only, pct.house.occup, pct.house.vacant, med.yr.house.built, pct.house.nophone and num.in.shelters. The optimal parameters are
\[\alpha = 1\] \[\lambda = 26.2414\]
and the equation is
\[violentcrimes.perpop = 4958.2725 + 16.836race.pctblack + -15.8618pct.farmself.inc + -0.8978pct.inv.inc + \\ 0.0026asian.percap + 23.5108male.pct.divorce + -16.8671pct.kids2parents + \\ -4.8738pct.workmom + 8.9613\times 10^{-4}num.kids.nvrmarried + 58.8977pct.kids.nvrmarried + \\ -3.0611pct.english.only + -1.7794pct.house.occup + 11.4984pct.house.vacant + \\ -1.4255med.yr.house.built + 7.1541pct.house.nophone + 0.0849num.in.shelters\]
The prediction error of this model is 149,055.
We then use these predictors in OLS and find the prediction error is 152,690.
fit_cafl_6 <- lm(as.formula(paste0("violentcrimes.perpop ~ ", paste0(predictors(model), collapse = " + "))),
data = data_cafl)
tidy_cafl_3 <-
tidy(fit_cafl_6) %>%
mutate(isIntercept = ifelse(term == "(Intercept)", 0, 1)) %>%
arrange(isIntercept, p.value) %>%
tidy_cafl_3 %>% pander()
term | estimate | std.error | statistic | p.value |
(Intercept) | 11813 | 6352 | 1.86 | 0.06376 |
race.pctblack | 22.29 | 3.428 | 6.501 | 2.732e-10 |
male.pct.divorce | 38.96 | 11.93 | 3.264 | 0.001204 |
asian.percap | 0.007932 | 0.00253 | 3.136 | 0.001858 |
pct.kids2parents | -13.03 | 4.769 | -2.733 | 0.006598 |
pct.english.only | -5.699 | 2.158 | -2.641 | 0.008647 |
pct.workmom | -8.398 | 3.696 | -2.272 | 0.02367 |
pct.house.occup | -7.865 | 3.979 | -1.977 | 0.04886 |
pct.kids.nvrmarried | 33.74 | 17.98 | 1.876 | 0.06146 |
num.in.shelters | 0.1339 | 0.08088 | 1.655 | 0.09878 |
pct.inv.inc | -4.781 | 3.16 | -1.513 | 0.1312 |
med.yr.house.built | -4.546 | 3.187 | -1.427 | 0.1546 |
pct.farmself.inc | -60.13 | 43.85 | -1.371 | 0.1712 |
pct.house.vacant | 12.38 | 10.94 | 1.131 | 0.2588 |
pct.house.nophone | 11.41 | 10.88 | 1.049 | 0.2949 |
num.kids.nvrmarried | 0.001592 | 0.002584 | 0.6161 | 0.5383 |
We see there are predictors that are not significant at the 0.05 significance level.
\[violentcrimes.perpop = 1.1813\times 10^{4} + 22.2876race.pctblack + 38.961male.pct.divorce + 0.0079asian.percap + \\ -13.0321pct.kids2parents + -5.6991pct.english.only + -8.398pct.workmom + \\ -7.8647pct.house.occup + 33.7405pct.kids.nvrmarried + 0.1339num.in.shelters + \\ -4.7811pct.inv.inc + -4.5459med.yr.house.built + -60.1253pct.farmself.inc + \\ 12.3785pct.house.vacant + 11.4147pct.house.nophone + 0.0016num.kids.nvrmarried\]
For example, holding all other variables constant in a community,
This is only the first seven variables, but such statements could be applied to all predictors.
The equation from ElasticNet and OLS are similar in the respect that they contain the same predictors (this is by design), but the coefficient estimates are slightly different.